Introduced in 1922, the Lancia Lambda ushered in a new era for vehicle construction. Developed by Vincenzo Lancia and his engineer son, it was the first car to feature a unibody design, where the body and chassis were integrated into a single structure. This design resulted from their innovative thinking and desire to create a more efficient and advanced vehicle.
Depending on the implementation, this innovative design, also called a monocoque or semi-monocoque, offers several practical benefits over the traditional body-on-frame or body-on-chassis design. These include reduced weight, improved safety, and increased rigidity, significantly enhancing the vehicle’s performance, handling, and economy. It was a revolutionary concept when it was first introduced and has since become a standard on passenger cars, light trucks, and crossover vehicles. Heavy-duty trucks and SUVs designed to handle extreme off-road conditions still prefer the body-on-frame design.